Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fraser Tower Burns...

Fraser Tower caught fire yesterday just before 4pm. Crazy smoke covering the city. Kudos and cookies to the fire fighters. The damn thing's 13 stories high. I wonder if the elevator has a '13' button on it?

Anyhoo, it was burning brightly until the chopper water bombers dropped 10 loads of water on it. Fortunately, no injuries and everyone got out ok. Apparently they (who's 'they' anyway?) were letting people in by 2am this morning including apartments on the 13th floor. Apparently the majority of damage was in the penthouse on the roof.

Yellowknifers (as they are known to do) rallied around the victims and found places to stay for everyone from the Fraser. It does beg the question though... Does the city have anything in place should to assist people should something like this happen again? Or even smaller catastrophes. What do people do who's house catches fire? Yeah, insurance is important, but at the very least a community contact at city hall to instantly react when these things happen.

Is there a United Way here in town?

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